Legal notice

This online shop is an offer from AFATEK AG. AFATEK AG is a stock corporation under German law.

Münchener Strasse 13
85247 Schwabhausen
Tel.: +49 (0)8138 795 993 4

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Registered office:

Registration court:
Munich, HRB 277869

Chairman of the supervisory board:
Dipl.-Ing. Nikolaus Huber

Chief Executive Officer:
Kai Huber


Disclaimer - AFATEK AG
The information on this website is constantly checked and updated. Neither our provider nor trailer vehicle technology accept liability for the content or guarantee that the websites referred to via hyperlink are up-to-date, correct and complete.
The content and structure of this website are protected by copyright. Any reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or images, requires our prior consent unless expressly stated otherwise.